Author: admin

Two New Mobile Cranes Coming to Brownsville

In June of this year, the Port of Brownsville ordered two new mobile harbor cranes increasing its dockside handling capacity as the seaport experiences higher cargo volumes across its range of services.

The two new Konecranes Gottwald Model 6 mobile harbor cranes will be delivered to the port fully assembled and commissioned, ready to begin work as early as December 2019. The cranes will handle a wide variety of cargo including breakbulk, bulk products, heavy project cargo and steel products.

The Model 6 cranes have advanced mobile harbor crane drive technology from Konecranes that meets EPA Tier 4f emission standards, helping the Port of Brownsville reduce its environmental footprint.

“The Port of Brownsville continues to invest significantly in its continued growth, including expansion of our on-dock lifting capacity,” said Eduardo A. Campirano, Port Director and CEO of th

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$3 Billion and 51,000 Jobs is Only the Beginning at the Port of Brownsville

By John Reed

Chairman Brownsville Navigation District

The latest economic impact report shows that the Port of Brownsville generated $3 billion in annual economic activity that produced $201 million in tax revenues and supported more than 51,000 jobs across Texas. And we’re just getting started.

As the only deep-water port on the US-Mexico border, the Port of Brownsville is a unique resource in the complex world of logistics. We are strategically located close to major manufacturing centers, energy sources and agriculture markets in both the United States and Mexico. We have convenient rail and interstate highway access into both countries, connecting shippers and producers with markets around the world. We support more than 230 companies currently operating at the port, providing a reliable base for local jobs, taxes and economic activity for the entire regi

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Special Feature: Enabling Economic Evolution

After years of courtship, community input, planning and permitting, largescale industrial development is about to transform the Rio Grande Valley’s economic landscape with billions of dollars of investment and thousands of new jobs at the Port of Brownsville.

Three liquified natural gas projects, representing a combined projected investment of $38.75 billion[1] are in the homestretch of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission permitting, with final investment decisions expected by late 2019 and 2020. Not to be outdone, Arkansas-based Big River Steel is refining its strategy to locate a $1.6 billion electric arc steel mill at the port. These successes are attracting additional industrial development to the port and Brownsville, supported by a youthful, educated, abundant and motivated workforce. No other domestic maritime complex rivals the Port of B

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Port of Brownsville Update on KURV’s Radio Show

Port Director and CEO Eduardo A. Campirano was recently a guest on KURV’s radio show “The Valley’s Morning News”.

Campirano spoke about the Port of Brownsville’s economic impact in the Rio Grande Valley as reported by an independent analysis conducted by Martin Associates.  The report shows that the Port of Brownsville serves as a major economic driver in the development of jobs and revenue in the Rio Grande Valley.

“The port does have a very significant impact not only in the region, but also contributes greatly overall to the maritime industry in the state of Texas.” said Campirano.

Listen to the interview HERE

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Study Shows Positive Economic Impact by the Port of Brownsville

 Major Activity at the Port Supports Increase in Jobs and Revenue for the State and Region

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (August 22, 2019) — In Texas where a trade-friendly economy is growing, the Port of Brownsville supports a total of $3 billion in total economic activity for the state and is responsible for more than 51,000 jobs within the borders.

Such findings are based on an independent analysis conducted by Martin Associates on port activity for the 2018 calendar year.

“We celebrated a record year in tonnage earlier and are pleased to see our economic impact set a strong foundation for future growth,” said John Reed, Brownsville Navigation District Chairman. “The numbers on local job growth speak for themselves as factors in the port’s development into a hub of business activity.”

The Port of Brownsville has become a major center for industr

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Special Feature: Mexico Makes Sense

The Port of Brownsville’s proximity to Mexico, Latin America’s second largest economy, uniquely positions the port as the nation’s key transshipment gateway delivering goods and commodities to nearby multinational manufacturing centers on both sides of the border.

Ranking among the top U.S. steel ports, the Port of Brownsville moves more steel into Mexico than any other domestic competitor.  In 2018, the port moved 3.2 million short tons of steel across the southern border.

Nearby Monterrey is a major industrial center in northern Mexico with a metropolitan population of nearly 5 million and home to dozens of commonly recognized international corporations. Monterrey is located 200 miles due west from the Port of Brownsville, where steel makers have come to rely upon the logistical efficiencies provided by the port. Convenient border crossings are located just seven miles fro

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Signet Maritime: Twenty One Years Prioritizing Safety

In June Signet Maritime celebrated 21 years of tugboat operations at the Port of Brownsville

The company’s full-service navigation center at the Brownsville ship channel provides ship, barge and rig movements as well as harbor tugboat operations since 1998. The Brownsville fleet includes three tugboats, the Signet Defender, Signet Ranger and the Signet Magic. These high-powered tugs assist ships and barges, often more than ten times their size, navigate through the 17-mile long ship channel.

The port’s intermodal expansion and continued growth have led to a higher demand for Signet’s services.

“As the years go by, we are starting to have bigger ships and bigger barges, oil rigs and new demand for more power,” said Ida Treviño, Signet Maritime Operations Manager. Treviño has worked with the company since its inception at the Port of Brownsville.

“Tugboat captains

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Keppel AmFELS is Building Ships

Keppel AmFELS is building ships at the Port of Brownsville, introducing a new industry to the state of Texas.

To facilitate the construction of deep-draft vessels at Keppel’s shipyard, the port partnered with the company to build a Public Vessel Assembly and Erection Pad. The project was completed July 31.

The assembly pad, measuring 292 ft. wide and 1,102 ft. long, is used to assemble Jones Act vessels to transport cargo along the U.S. coast from one domestic port to another. The Jones Act is a federal law regulating maritime commerce in the U.S. The law requires goods shipped between U.S. ports to be transported on ships that are built, owned and operated only by U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

The U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration awarded the port a $1.8 million grant for the construction of the pad. The total cost of the project was $5.3

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Grain Overseas: Bulk Cargo Dock Rehabilitation Nears Completion

The Port of Brownsville will resume exporting grains by vessel with the rehabilitation of the bulk cargo dock scheduled for completion in August.
The renovation project is part of an agreement the port entered with West Plains LLC in 2016 to restore and operate the grain elevator, with capacity to store three million bushels of grain. Since restoration efforts began, West Plains has invested multiple millions of dollars in its facility, while the port has pitched another $5.5 million to the project.
The bulk cargo dock will work in tandem with the renovated grain elevator to give South Texas and Mexican grain producers access to international markets. Once complete, the modern facilities will be equipped with efficient and high-speed handling of grain through all modes of transportation – truck, rail and vessel loading and unloadin

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Port of Brownsville Update on KURV’s Radio Show

Port Director and CEO Eduardo A. Campirano was recently a guest on KURV’s radio show “The Valley’s Morning News”.

Campirano spoke about the record-breaking year the port experienced in 2018, as well at the steel industry and other important projects that are helping transform the economic landscape of the Rio Grande Valley.

Listen to the interview HERE


Ranking among the top U.S. steel ports, the Port of Brownsville moves more steel into Mexico than any other domestic competitor. In 2018, the port moved 3.2 million short tons of steel across the southern border.

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Independent Auditor Confirms Record Year and Clean Audit for the Brownsville Navigation District

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (June 27, 2019) —  The Brownsville Navigation District’s (BND) annual external audit confirmed June 26, 2019, verified record operating revenues and tonnage for fiscal year 2018.

The audit reviewed the district’s financial statements and figures, which reflected an increase in total operating revenue and tonnage for the Port of Brownsville for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018.  The total operating revenue was $24,209,767.  This marks a 4 percent increase from the 2017 fiscal year. Total tonnage for the 2018 fiscal year also met and surpassed records, registering 11.3 million short tons, an increase of 6.6 percent from fiscal year 2017.

“The Port of Brownsville is a consistent model of excellence. We are making important financial decisions that have positive returns.  This audit reflects our commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility,

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Port of Brownsville Achieves Significant Milestone in Channel Deepening Project

BROWNSVILLE, Texas (June 18, 2019) – The Port of Brownsville is closer to deepening the Brownsville Ship Channel after receiving a key permit June 6 from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to advance the Brazos Island Harbor Channel Improvement Project (BIH) to its construction phase.

The USACE permit is the latest milestone in the port’s effort to deepen the ship channel from 42 feet to 52 feet, resulting in significant navigational safety improvements for commercial shipping in South Texas.

“Today we find ourselves on the verge of a new economic era for the Rio Grande Valley and the channel deepening is essential for our continued progress and success,” said John Reed, Brownsville Navigation District Chairman. “These crucial infrastructure projects solidify our presence in the global market and create better economic opportunities for our local workforce.”


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Rio Grande Valley Prepares for Job Influx

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Companies investing in the Rio Grande Valley anticipate high demand for workers that may exceed 9,000 jobs, according to seven large employers attending a Workforce Summit held May 23 at the Port of Brownsville.

Initial demand will be driven by three proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants. The companies are set to receive their Federal Energy Regulatory Commission permits and commence construction within the next three years. During the construction phase these companies estimate a need for more than 6,000 workers alone.

Two current companies at the Port of Brownsville along with two other potential tenants listed the need for an additional 3,000 workers in several full-time and temporary positions.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity for our workforce. The jobs are going to be plentiful, they’re going to pay well, but we need to educate and train our

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Texan Cement Invests in Success

BROWNSVILLE, Texas —  Texan Cement plans to expand its storage capability of 14,000 short tons of cement to 40,000 to fit growing volume demand in the Rio Grande Valley.

The expansion is phase two of a plan to transform Texan Cement’s entire operation from a big bag operation- transportation of cement in bags that resemble grocery store bags- to a bulk and cement terminal. The capital investment for the project is $10 million of which the company has spent $1.5 million.

“The Rio Grande Valley has grown and the demand for cement, specifically our cement and our price point that we have, is growing so much that we’re constantly having to extend our hours so that we can meet demand,” said J. C. Echeverria, CFO and Operations Officer of American Cement Advisors, Texan Cement’s parent company.

The growing diversity of industries doing business in the Rio Grande Valley and

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BND Commemorates Peace Officers

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — The Brownsville Navigation District honored the dedicated work and sacrifice of Port PD officers and all other peace officers around the nation during National Peace Officers Week held May 13-17.

To commemorate the honorable work and sacrifice of peace officers everywhere, the BND Board of Commissioners passed a proclamation designating May 15 as Peace Officers’ Memorial Day and the week in which the date falls as National Peace Officers Week in the Port of Brownsville.

The port’s Police Department also hosted a peace officer memorial ceremony May 16. The officers received badges to commemorate the event and gear bags with the traditional blue line that denotes service.

“Police like any other profession each have an understanding amongst each other for what they do and what they go through on a daily basis, the thin blue line demonstrates support for

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