Major Activity at the Port Supports Increase in Jobs and Revenue for the State and Region
BROWNSVILLE, Texas (August 22, 2019) — In Texas where a trade-friendly economy is growing, the Port of Brownsville supports a total of $3 billion in total economic activity for the state and is responsible for more than 51,000 jobs within the borders.
Such findings are based on an independent analysis conducted by Martin Associates on port activity for the 2018 calendar year.
“We celebrated a record year in tonnage earlier and are pleased to see our economic impact set a strong foundation for future growth,” said John Reed, Brownsville Navigation District Chairman. “The numbers on local job growth speak for themselves as factors in the port’s development into a hub of business activity.”
The Port of Brownsville has become a major center for industrial development with over 230 companies doing business in the region. Furthermore, 51,468 jobs in Texas are related to the cargo moving through the marine terminals and activity at the ship building and rig repairs. Personal income from such employment totaled at $2.6 billion. In addition, a total of more than $200 million in tax revenue were generated by activities at the port.
The study found 8,500 local jobs are supported by $151.3 million of local purchases by business supplying services at the marine terminals and by business dependent upon the port for ship and receipt of cargo.
“The data clearly show that the Port of Brownsville is a remarkable resource with a reach extending far beyond the Rio Grande Valley,” said economist John Martin, PhD, who authored the latest report. “With more than 51,000 jobs related to the port’s operations and more than $3 billion in total economic impact across the state, the port is a significant driver of opportunities today and in the future.”
Not included in the report are revenues from leases and rents, non-waterborne activities and fishing harbor operations. These values will be mentioned in future economic impact reports.
The Port of Brownsville is a hub of major economic activity. In 2018, the port set new records in tonnage, moving 11.3 million short tons of diverse cargo of energy and liquid products, agriculture goods, aggregates, wind-turbine components and steel. The port also generated more than $24 million in operating revenue. Such activity is set to continue the positive impacts on the region’s economy and workforce.
The analysis was based on interviews from firms providing services to the cargo and vessels handled in marine terminals at the navigation districts. Impacts measured were jobs, employee earnings, business revenue and state and local taxes.
For a complete copy of the report, visit
About the Port of Brownsville
The Port of Brownsville is the only deepwater seaport directly on the U.S.-Mexico border, and the largest land-owning public port authority in the nation with 40,000 acres of land. It transships more steel into Mexico than any other U.S. port.
With more than $43 billion worth of projects currently in the works, the Port of Brownsville is transforming the Rio Grande Valley by creating positive investment opportunities and jobs.

Activity at the Port of Brownsville creates more than 51,000 jobs and adds $3 billion in total economic activity in the state of Texas, according to a recent economic impact study performed by Martin Associates.